
Friday, 24 October 2014

Halloween is coming!

Do you like the pumpkin lanterns lit during Halloween? If you like them, you can pick up your knife and choose to take part in the pumpkin carving contest and make your Halloween different! Transform your pumpkin into a spooky Halloween Jack 'O Lantern and bring them to class next Wednesday 29th or Thursday 30th

Trust your inspiration and create fantastic pumpkins to win a creepy prize!
Let’s prepare to celebrate Halloween together!

Good luck. We’re all looking forward to seeing your pumpkins!

Contestants: Basic Level 1


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Welcome on board!

Dear students,

A new school year is starting and my wish for you is ...
Let's enjoy the adventure of learning together and never give up.

Welcome to your 1st level of A2 Blog. 

Friday, 16 May 2014

Thank you!

Thank you for being such wonderful students!

And remember that whatever I do, I always have my students in mind and all the assignments and work that I give you are for your own good and never mine.

Thank you to all my students for a great year!


Exams are here. Don't panic and keep calm and study English.
You can do it well.

Watch this video performed by Turtle Lake Elementary School Fifth Grade Teachers.

Good luck!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Happy St. George's Day!

St George's Day is celebrated in England on 23 April, in honour of St George, the patron saint of England.

The 23 April 1616 was also the date of the death of the English playwright William Shakespeare. UNESCO marked this historic date by declaring it the International Day of the Book. 

Many Catalonian men present their female relatives with roses on St George's Day (Día de San Jorge) in Spain. The day is celebrated on April 23 each year. Lovers also swap gifts of books and roses on this day. Click here.

If you want to know more information about St. George's Day, surf on the websites below and listen to the story of George and the Dragon:

And, as I can't give a book to all of you, let me share with you a link ( where you can find  free audiobooks and stories read aloud by real people for free! Click here.   

Happy St. George's Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014